Product Warning


No helmet can prevent head, brain, or neck injuries, including paralysis or death, a rider might receive while participating in water sports. Do not use this helmet to butt, ram, or spear an opposing rider or object. Such use can result in severe head or neck injuries, paralysis, or death to you and possible injury to your opponent. Tubing while boating may result in CONCUSSION AND OTHER SERIOUS BRAIN INJURIES, which no helmet can prevent. Symptoms include: loss of consciousness (even briefly), inability to recall events prior to or after contact, dizziness, headache, nausea, and/or confusion. If you have any symptoms, immediately stop riding and report them to other riders, parents, or boat operators. Do not return to riding until all symptoms are gone and you have received medical clearance from a doctor. ENGAGING IN ANY FURTHER CONTACT PRIOR TO THE RESOLUTION OF ALL SUCH SYMPTOMS AND THE RECEIPT OF MEDICAL CLEARANCE MAY LEAD TO ANOTHER CONCUSSION AND OTHER SERIOUS BRAIN INJURIES.‍

BirdBrain helmets must be properly fitted to the wearer’s head in accordance with the manufacturer’s fitting instructions. Helmet must fit snugly. Wear chin strap comfortably tight against throat. The fit of the helmet should be checked each time before riding. Never wear a helmet that does not fit according to the manufacturer's instructions.